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The Study of Groups and Societies

Learn from a faculty of important figures in regional, national, and international social science.

Understanding Society to Pursue the Common Good

The Department of Sociology at The Catholic University of America is dedicated to understanding the workings of the social world. We teach courses in Sociology and Criminology, conduct research around the world, and publish research in fields such as cultural sociology, demography, family studies, population dynamics, globalization, organizational studies, sociology of religion, and science studies. Integrating Catholic Social Teaching with sociological theory and methods, our department contributes to building a global Catholic research university. Our faculty includes practitioner specialists connected to organizations such as the State Department and FBI, and our courses and internships immerse students in the Washington, D.C., experience. 

Learn about our Criminology major

Approach the study of crime from an evidence-based and Catholic social justice perspective.

Academic Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Core courses for the major provide the tools to think systematically and critically about society, and to help students develop analytical, research, and writing skills. 

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M.A. in Sociology

M.A. in Sociology

Gain a foundation in sociology research and an introduction to evidence-based interpretations of contemporary social problems.

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125th Anniversary of Sociology

Join us in celebrating this tremendous milestone!

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  • Faculty Profiles

    The Department of Sociology faculty members have been important figures in regional, national and international social science.  Our faculty enables students to think systematically and critically about society, and to help students develop analytical, research, and writing skills relevant to a variety of careers and graduate studies. 

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  • Student Spotlight

    Alexandra Lewis (‘19) is determined to see a world with less crime and fewer victims. Lewis is majoring in Criminology, a brand new area of study under the Department of Sociology that focuses on the causes, implications, and preventive strategies of crime.

    “I’ve been a victim of crime before, I know what it’s like to feel powerless in a situation,” she said. “I want to help people not to have to feel that way.”

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    Student Spotlight

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Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Sociology Department at The Catholic University of America.

Since 1895, our department has been cultivating the sociological imaginations of students, helping them understand the intricate workings of the social world, and equipping to make valuable contributions to a wide variety of fields. 

Through our two undergraduate majors (BA in Sociology and BA in Criminology) and our MA program, our students today gain a profound understanding of the fundamentals of social-scientific research and theory. 

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